Why SMART Removal?

Let's talk about Amalgam. Removing dental fillings that are made of amalgam is important because they contain almost 50% mercury, which can be detrimental to a person’s health. SMART (Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique) is a minimally-invasive approach to amalgam removal. Following the SMART procedure can significantly reduce the amount of mercury to which the patient and dental staff are exposed.

Although each patient is different, if you have amalgam fillings, your chances for mercury toxicity increases. Symptoms of mercury toxicity can include fatigue, headaches, insomnia, memory impairment, kidney problems, cardiovascular problems, tremors, and more. Those who might be at greater health risk when exposed to mercury include pregnant women, children, and people with pre-existing neurological disease or kidney dysfunction.

Furthermore, mercury vapor is known to be released at a higher rate during brushing, chewing , clenching of teeth and grinding.

The Smart removal protocol includes:

  • Dual suction to prevent mercury particles

  • Medical grade oxygen mask that must be worn by the patient during the procedure

  • Wearing protective gowns, head and hair coverings as well as feet coverings. Both staff and patients will have proper protection during and after the procedure.

  • Isolation to working area by using an impermeable barrier to avoid unnecessary exposure

  • Special sectioning mercury removal technique

  • After care instructions and supplements


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